
Scoperta! Wine


  • Online Marketplace
  • Direct to Consumer


  • Amplience
  • Arcadier
  • BravoSquared

The first Wine Marketplace enabling boutique wineries to sell Direct to Consumer

Scoperta! Wine is a women-owned, family-run wine marketplace specializing in wines too small to go mainstream but too good to ignore. They aim to help small boutique wineries get discovered by curious wine lovers. They also look to help curious wine enthusiasts discover what finds await when customers venture off the beaten path. Scoperta! Wine partnered with BlueBolt to help them make their dream a reality. Ardent wine lovers, Adrienne and Craig at Scoperta wanted to help boutique winemakers across the USA sell their product in every state, regardless of the size of their winery. They envisioned the first Direct to Consumer (D2C) marketplace for wineries, enabling fellow passionate winemakers to be able to sell their product, even if they were too small for a distributor to carry their wine.

Service Provided:

  • Amplience Implementation
  • Creative Design and User Strategy
  • Amplience Headless CMS Implementation
  • Aracdier Marketplace Implementation
  • Project Management
  • Custom Development
  • Seamless Multi-merchant and PCI Compliant Checkout Process
  • Third party software integrations including Square and Avalara Tax
  • Enterprise Search integration with BravoSquared
  • Taxonomy and SEO
  • Support and Training
  • Account Management

Scoperta! Wine Project Highlights

Launch the first online wine marketplace

While this sounds simple, it quickly becomes complex as each merchant is only able to sell their wines in states where they don’t sell via a distributor.

Create a visually compelling user experience

Scoperta partnered with BlueBolt’s creative team to design a beautiful, modern and engaging experience, showcasing boutique wineries and their distinctive products.

Enable a flawless checkout experience

BlueBolt developed a highly complex payment solution that enables a simple checkout experience for the customer, while paying out to multiple wine merchants on the backend.

Deliver relevant search results the first time

BravoSquared’s federated search was employed to ensure users could find the wines they loved, and easily discover new ones as well, that were consistent with their search terms.

In order to create the first online wine marketplace, it was important that both content and products could be delivered independently of each other, or in concert together. Our BlueBolt team brought this to fruition by implementing an ecommerce marketplace through Arcadier and a Headless Content Management System through Amplience. This enables the Scoperta team to have maximum control over both content and products, while also allowing the team to quickly publish new merchants’ products in their marketplace.

Regarding Scoperta’s design, the overarching goal was to make users “feel like there’s a person, not a machine, at the other end of the connection.” The BlueBolt creative team added a beautiful hero section to the homepage, which the Scoperta team has used to switch out various videos for promotional effects. The remainder of the site was created to be an immersive experience with animations, helping the customer picture themselves as a part of the brand.

On the technical side of the project, one major hurdle was the checkout process. Since Scoperta only hosts the marketplace and does not handle any part of the transactions themselves, BlueBolt needed to work with Square and Avalara to solve the problem of how an order could be placed with a smooth interaction on the customer’s end, while paying out to multiple unique merchants at the same time. In true BlueBolt fashion, our tech team rose to the challenge, creating a seamless experience for Scoperta customers and merchants alike.

Another focus for the team was delivering relevant content and product search results, while minimizing time spent searching. Our BlueBolt team added suggested question phrases in everyday language to assist in natural exploration throughout the site. The team also added “popular” and “we might suggest” categories to the search functionality, aiding both the search and product recommendation process – ending up with decreased search times and a higher overall order value.

Scoperta! Wine Case Study

Uncorked Success

Launching the first online marketplace in the wine industry was a huge success! Scopeta publicly launched their ecommerce efforts at the 2022 South by Southwest Festival for maximum publicity exposure. In the brief time their online marketplace has been live, they have signed up nearly four dozen wineries, with more inquiries coming as news of their accomplishment spreads. To help attract customers and merchants, several search engine and social media ad campaigns have been employed. In just a couple short months, Scoperta has achieved first page Google search engine results for the keywords “wine marketplace.”

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